Thursday, December 31, 2009

Security Do’s for Children

Security Do’s for Children

• Teach children never to admit strangers into the home.
• Teach children local emergency phone numbers, your own number, and how to use the two-way radio. Make sure younger children know their name, address, and phone number.
• Caution teenagers about blind dates or meeting anyone they do not know.
• Teach younger members of your family not to open mail or packages.
• Teach young children how to answer the telephone so that they do not give out personal information, such as home address, absence of adults, etc.
• Teach children how to say no to strangers.
• Teach children how to exit the house in case of emergency.
Good morning, and a happy new year to all of you.

I hope you all have a wonderful and above all SAFE new year. Working together, I am sure we can use this year to learn how to protect ourselves and others and make this world a safe place for all of us to live in.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ok, so the first thing I would like to mention is parameter security, ie the wall, gate, electric fencing or what have you around your house, complex or whatever.
This is your first line of defense, so make sure it is a good one. Remember that it is much easier for a thief to climb over a one meter high wall than a six foot wall, especially if he’s carrying your hi – fi system.
Add electric fencing on top of the wall and he has another problem to contend with. Spikes also help! Driving around suburbia might not look so neat and tidy anymore, but I’m afraid those days are long gone!

Welcome to the Together Against Crime Blog

Hi All.

Welcome to the Blog against Crime! Together Against Crime is an initiative I am undertaking to help rid South Africa of crime, and I hope you will join me. Although this blog, and my website, is aimed mostly at South Africa, I am sure that anybody, anywhere in the world, will be able to make use of the information to safeguard themselves.

If you have any tips you would like to add to this blog, please feel free.

Stay safe, and check in often to get the newest tips on how to keep yourself out of crimes' way.


PS, to learn more about crime right now, go directly to my forum, Together Against Crime at