Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Also known as weed, skunk, dagga, pot etc.

It is a dry, shredded mixture of green and brown leaves, flowers, stems and seeds. Marijuana is usually smoked by rolling into a cigarette known as a joint. Some people mix cigarette tobacco into the leaves to make the joint easier to smoke. It is also smoked in pipes, such as bottlenecks.
It is also used to make tea and used in cookery to make cakes. A concentrated resinous form is known as hashish.
The smoke has a distinctive smell, much like grass burning, a sweet and sour odor.

The immediate effects of smoking marijuana includes faster heart beat, dry mouth and bloodshot eyes. The smoker often gets the munchies, meaning they crave food. Users often suffer from paranoia, and will often find humor in anything, causing them to laugh uncontrollably.
Marijuana is often seen as a gateway drug to other more dangerous drugs.


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