Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apathy – The road to being a victim

If there is one thing about people I will never understand, it is apathy.

I agree that the government is supposed to make sure that South Africa is crime free, but when they fail to do so, it seems that most people will also fail to do anything about the situation, other than sit around and moan.

After taking part in patrols for more than a year, it amazes me that a person will stand up in a public meeting and rant on for half an hour about how bad the government is, and how nobody ever does their job. And yet in the previous year I have not seen that person during any of the patrols. To make matters worse, these people will then demand that they must be looked after by the CPF, people who give their time freely and willingly. Sorry people, get up from your buts and join in, or you’re going to be victims for the rest of your lives.
Yesterday one of the houses in my area got burgled again. Last night I asked the CPF member who responded what the caller had said when he asked her to join the patrols. You can just guess it – she had a good excuse why she and her husband could not join in patrols. The caller was not the person being burgled, she was the neighbor who had reported the burglary, but if she had been somebody who had joined in patrols, she would have handled the situation differently, the responders would have handled the situation differently and the outcome might have been different. As it is, another bunch of criminals got away. And another victim have been created.

Here’s the long and short of it. If you don’t want to be a victim, be pro – active. Do your bit and get rid of crime in your area, and help others make your area safe!

Remember to log onto the Together Against Crime forum at

Stay safe


  1. Hi

    I agree more or less. Perhaps you could write something about what exactly is expected. I mean do you need people to be on patrol once a week or once a month or what? Mother's, especially those with children don't really have much time for anything else.

  2. Patrolling members are asked to do 2 Hours a week. Most areas have a register, and the hours are flexible.
    As for mothers with children, they very often spend hours a week riding up and down the neighborhood delivering kids. This is a good time for them to keep their eyes open and report suspicious activity.
